A theory I call Divine Desire

I believe that our highest calling in this mysterious life is to honor all the desires of our hearts. 

But wouldn’t that lead to chaos if everyone just followed their passions without. restraint? Everyone can’t just do whatever they want to, right?

We are taught to submit our desires, our will to a greater ideal: Divine Will.
The idea is that we are to ask for exactly what we want (or what we think we want) and then sign off on a clause that we only wish to receive it if it also matches the will of God, Universe, the Divine, the Higher self...
The Higher Self. It was important for me to word it that way. It’s still very hard for me to think of terms like God or Universe as me. It always feels like a consciousness or force beyond me, outside of me and separate from me when I say it like that. And honestly, this is how I was taught to think of God. Distant, distinct and superior. Anything else would be blasphemy.
So, I prefer to use the term Higher Self to remind me that there is no separation. God is that part of me that is divine.
If God is a level of consciousness within me, if I am the universe embodied, if I am a co-creator, and if the infinite and limitless powers that be are accessible to me, then my will is Divine will.
Obviously I had some difficulty with this at first because I know for a fact that I’ve wanted some things that were not healthy for me. So how do I reconcile that fact with the idea that my desires are inherently divine? Well, that’s why I specify the desires of the heart, not the cravings of the mind (ego).
The longings of the mind can change and be influenced by external factors, past events, lower vibrations, fear, guilt, shame and grief. The mind can be destructive and self-sabotaging, the mind even gets sick. The human mind is fickle and malleable. But the heart? Allow me to insert my favorite quote from the movie Frozen
“The heart is not so easily changed but the head can be persuaded.” ~ adorable troll man
I believe this. But, why? Why is the heart so fixed, so permanent?
I believe this is because the heart is the siege of our divinity. The heart is the home of our true self, inner being, higher self… God lives in the heart. It is my belief that the part of us that is pure consciousness sits in our heartspace.
I believe that we communicate with ourselves, or that God/the Universe communicates with us, through our heart’s desires.
I think that elusive sense of “fulfillment” we can experience is the heart letting us know when we’re on track.
Isn’t it interesting that some people seem to have it all and still aren’t satisfied, while others seem to have far less and are completely in love with life?
I see the sense of fulfillment as the metric by which our spiritual connectedness can be measured.
Feeling fulfilled isn’t an emotional response to external stimuli, it’s our inner being quietly sighing “Yes. Thank you.”

Many believe that true fulfilment is a myth because we (humans) will always want more than we can achieve or acquire. It’s common to believe that we are condemned to a life of dissatisfaction, doomed to always want more than is possible.
I challenge that.
Why would we be made in the image of the creator if the plan wasn’t for us to create- to speak life into being?
Do you truly believe that God would place a desire in your heart to taunt you? Does it serve you to believe that you could never really have all that you desire? What other purpose could they serve if they’re not meant to be materialized? Are they merely an accident of the imagination?
The desires you feel deep within your heart are very clear indications of the Divine Will for your life. To believe otherwise is to believe that Life is cruel.
I don’t accept that our desires exist to torture us- quite the contrary. I believe that they are there to nudge us along our path. I imagine my heart’s wishes to be a sort of postcard from the Universe saying “Wish you were here!”
And sometimes when I’m feeling defeated, I picture my higher self sending a selfie with the caption “this could be us but you playing”
I know, I’m a hoot! But I’m very serious. It reminds me of the work I’m here to do, the purpose of it all. I came here to complete the challenge of submitting my mind to the service of my heart. My purpose, as is yours, is to fill  this realm with abundant and lasting health,wealth, joy and beauty.

Leeor Alexander has an affirmation that resonates deeply for me “my happiness is the key to making the world a happier place” and it reminded me of the quote “be the change that you wish to see in the world”. We are so shy about desires. We see them as indulgent or secondary to something greater, something outside of us and beyond our understanding… What if the most noble, spiritual and pure accomplishment you can pursue is the fulfillment of your heart’s desires?
If the only life I ever change is my own, it will have been a worthy accomplishment.

With this perspective, I have a lot less resistance in manifesting my dreams now.
The mere fact that a desire exists is proof that not only is it possible for me, but that God, the Universe, Love, Life herself wants nothing more than for me to have it.
And so the work now has become cultivating my connection with heart.
That’s the work of alignment. It’s silencing every sound except the voice of the true self, who speaks clearly but softly through the heart. Her language is desire.

My only mission is to create from, with and in love.
My only challenge in this life is to stay aligned.
And when I am aligned, I am divine.

Then divine will is my will. 


Thoughts on the “now”