Working through guilt
This entry can be a support when practicing self- forgiveness. I recommend using it as a script for EFT/Tapping meditation. You can try reading it aloud while tapping along. It’s also a powerful tool on its own. Remember to breathe and take your time. I hope this serves you well.
I breathe in and set the intention to hold space for myself to work through what I feel.
Today, I am experiencing feelings of guilt and I take full responsibility for those feelings. They are mine to feel and mine to heal.
I know that my guilt doesn't define me.
I simply choose to honor what I feel because I love and accept myself. I give myself permission to feel.
All this guilt, it's stifling me. I feel it in my chest, in my heart and in the pit of my stomach. It paralyzes me from doing things that are good for me. All I can think about is how badly I've messed up. All this guilt, it's overwhelming. If there's someone right now who hates me, it only makes it worse. If they feel enraged, disgusted, angry, betrayed or just deeply disappointed in me, I feel that too. It's so heavy that I can barely breathe. I wish they would forgive me. I know that forgiveness would bring so much relief to what I am experiencing right now.
But I can't control if or when that happens. I can't make them forgive me. Or maybe it’s too late to get their forgiveness anyway.
All this guilt I'm feeling, I don't know what to do with it...
Part of me thinks I deserve to be punished. In fact, I'm already punishing myself by holding onto this guilt and preventing myself from experiencing peace and freedom.
Part of me believes that I deserve to carry all this guilt. That's simply not true.
I don't need punishment and I don't need guilt. I am the only one responsible for how I feel and I’ve decided these feelings do not serve me.
I know that I deserve to feel good about myself again.
Inspite of all the guilt I feel, I know that I deserve forgiveness. I have the power to forgive myself and I choose to experience that now.
Showing myself compassion and grace, I forgive myself for the ways I've hurt myself and others. I forgive myself for the mistakes I made out of ignorance, anger, fear or shame. I forgive myself for the ways I may have hurt others with my words, actions and intentions. I forgive myself for the times and the ways I allowed my own pain to cause pain to others. I forgive myself for lashing out or shutting down. I forgive myself for the times I chose the easy way out and the times I chose what felt good in the moment instead of what was good for me. I forgive myself for not knowing better. I forgive myself for the moments when I knew better but didn't listen. I forgive myself for letting my ego drive my decisions.
Offering myself radical acceptance, I forgive myself for trusting people who didn't care for me or respect me. I forgive myself for believing people whose intentions weren't pure. I forgive myself for choosing people and situations that were not aligned with my highest good and deepest well-being. I forgive myself for even being attracted to relationships and situations that were unsafe and unhealthy. I forgive myself for all the times I ignored red flags or made excuses for the disrespect I endured. I forgive myself for settling. I forgive myself for the times I used alcohol, drugs, sex, work or other means to escape from my pain. I forgive myself for my toxic patterns, destructive behavior and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Claiming full responsibility for my own well-being, my own peace and my own sanity, I let go of my guilt. I offer myself unconditional and total forgiveness. I accept my humanity and I accept that I am no less worthy because of my mistakes. I let go of the bitterness and resentment I'm carrying towards myself and others. I let go of all the times and all the ways I got it wrong. I'm so sorry I punished myself and neglected my peace for as long as I did and I commit to doing better now.
I know and trust that at my core, I am good. I choose to be reminded now of my goodness.
As I place one hand on my stomach and the other on my heart, I feel the guilt dissolving.
I breathe in deeply, welcoming feelings of acceptance and as I exhale, I feel a wave of peace wash over me.
I am love and I am loved.